Sunday, July 3, 2011

Here is Leo, the cat saved from the East River barge

Previously on EV Grieve:
This cat is stranded off East River Park


  1. Whoda thought that the Internet can help change things in real life! Great work guys!


  2. Rescued??? YAY! Oh, I so wish I could adopt him but I am unable to. I wish him the best!!

  3. That's great!! Thank you to all who helped, you are all very special people.

  4. Leo is the cutest ever!!Glad he is safe. Sooo cute. Thanks to everyone who helped rescue him.

  5. Kudos to the people who decided to do save the cat themselves and are determined to get him back from the city tomorrow morning.

    And just how is it that a guy from the city Animal Control shows up mid-rescue after the city said there was nothing it could do to help?


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