Saturday, July 16, 2011

A mangled tree on Avenue A

Anyone know what happened to this tree on Avenue A at St. Mark's Place?

Photo by Bobby Williams.


  1. uh.. I can take a wild guess.

  2. I'm not an official arborist but it looks like someone purposely broke the branches. I hope that isn't the case.

  3. For all we know, that could have happened during that crazy wind and rain storm the other day.

  4. i would bet $100 that this was done by some frat-type guy. if anyone wants to bet against me, we can ask the guys at nino's or see if any of the businesses there have security tape. it could certaninly come in handy at CB3 meetings while discussing liquor licenses in resolution areas. of course, i could be wrong. but if i had to guess, it would be that.


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