Saturday, July 2, 2011

On Avenue B, Subway inches closer to its Grand Opening

With any luck, you'll have a foot-long for July 4th.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Today's sign of the apocalypse: Subway opening on Avenue B (30 comments)


  1. I ate at one once in 1993 and I've never been back. I'm glad I've kept them under control.

  2. It's the most popular franchise in the US. I don't get it.

  3. I thought that no chain stores could open in the Alphabet area, bieng that from Houston to 14th street on A B C and D, This Subway will be the only franchise store. HOw did they get permission? Thats not cool, it takes away from the business, Deli Grocery that were there. Sad Sad Sad, Corporate America is taking over and sticking it to the little guy. Get this crap out of the Alphabets

  4. Word. There's certainly nothing wrong with Subway -- I really can't imagine how someone could be so disgusted not to return for 20 years. I eat at them once in a blue if I'm on the highway or something. But what's the point in NYC when there are perfectly good delis on every block? BOOOOO to another damn chain opening up another damn outlet here. Bleah,

  5. subway sucks but it is really nothing to whine about, cheap 5 dollar sandwiches should be a welcome change from expensive independent places for the low income residents of this area

  6. Low income???? HOw about people that sit home all day, dont work and do drugs??? Thats what they really are. They sit around and dont do anything. I got no respect for that. Its why I pay high taxes. Evreyone should do their share of the work. TOo many bums here, Especially on East 10 between B and C. Lots of loud obnoxious fat girls who yell at their boyfreinds while they blast their Bass music in their hoopties so the rest of the working world cant sleep.

  7. have fun eating your toxic, poison sandwiches all you fratbrats, yups & sellouts. subway, i truly hope you go out of business in alphabet city and never come back to desecrate us ever again.

  8. Subway is worse than having hot and cold running bars and barfers plastering the neighborhood? Please. Gimme a break. And yes, a $5 sandwich is a good idea sometimes ... maybe Anonymous can afford to eat at all the ritzy yuppie places that have infiltrated the Lower East Side, but for us ordinary working people they're out of reach...

  9. You realize that it's a franchise and therefore a small business owner like others in the area who paid for the name/brand of "Subway". It could be worse.


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