Tuesday, July 19, 2011

St. Brigid's will have that 1848 look

Meanwhile, in more positive news... The Villager has an update on the renovations at St. Brigid's, the historic church on Eighth Street and Avenue B that was spared the wrecking ball by a determined group of volunteers... and later a guardian angel who donated some $10 million to restore the building.

Anyway! To the article!

Both the west and north facades (what everyone from the street sees) of the building are going to be sheathed in cast brownstone slabs, more or less restoring the look of what was there when the church was first built in 1848. They are working on this now, and roughly a quarter of the north wall has already been installed. The original north wall had to be completely demolished and rebuilt as part of the process of restoring structural stability to the church. This necessitated filling the entire church interior with scaffolding in order to support the roof during this reconstruction. But it was a big improvement over the original repair plan to simply re-stucco the existing facade.

Read the whole article here.

And here are several recent photos that I took showing the renovations in progress...

1 comment:

  1. I still can't get over how all the windows were smashed. Is anyone being held accountable for that?

    And, a big thank you to the anonymous donor!


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