Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Aug. 14

In the midst of a driving rainstorm on Sunday, EV Grieve reader Chris stopped to document this find on Rivington at Ridge... where someone had bagged up a Christmas tree nearly, uh, eight months after Jesus' birthday...

Gruber MacDougal, spokesperson for the International Coalition of Tree Tossing in the Spring and Summer (ICTTSS), has been alerted of this discovery. However, he is currently attending an urban think tank at the St. Regis Bora Bora Resort.


  1. I don't believe that was even a Christmas Tree. Far more likely it was a Fourth of July Tree, previously decorated according to custom with red, white, and blue tinsel, dangling eagle ornaments, and illuminated with lit sparklers. The considerable fire hazard is presumably why the custom has died out in recent years, but someone on Rivington Street clearly respects the traditions.

    Also, that jerkwad Gruber MacDonald had better spend a bit more time at his office and less on those junkets or I for one will stop paying my dues.

  2. Let me know when Gruber is at an Urban Dunk Tank!

  3. Is that a tree? I see the Sunday Times and a twig.

  4. At this point they should have just saved it for this Christmas.

  5. I got people in Bora Bora (seriously, I do). But I can't pay them enough to get within eyesight of Gruber.

  6. I admit that Gruber could use an image rehab. However, we should remember all his charitable work for News Corp. through the years.


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