Monday, August 8, 2011

Checking in on the TSP Ratstravaganza

Been a few weeks since that rat-fueled media frenzy in Tompkins Square Park ... As we've noted, the Park is well-managed by some devoted workers.

Among other things, workers installed lids on the trash cans to prevent the rats (and other various critters) to get inside... A good idea in theory... However, people don't seem to have the grasp of the concept, as these photos from Saturday morning show...

Several of the trash cans were actually empty. Just people couldn't be bothered to push the trash through the lids.

Also, people (or at least The Pigeon Lady) continue to dump like 50 pounds of stale bread exactly in the location where the rats have been seen swarming near the playground off Avenue off Ninth Street... Saturday morning...

...and Saturday night, this photo by Sean Kennedy shows 18 rats on the prowl... (rats are highlighted for your viewing ease)



  1. The bread lady is a huge issue and she needs to get a ticket for littering at this point. There's no excuse for that excessive behavior when it is a major cause of the problem.

    Also, fuck the trash can lids, they're made super strong so you really have to push to get it in, and nobody wants to push on those filthy things. They are also fairly small openings. Lids like that are not going to work, and it's making it worse.

  2. You need hand sanitizer after dumping your trash into the alloted slot.

  3. It's not just the bird lady. On Sunday morning I was in TSP for only an hour and saw no less than three older men feeding the birds. One was POURING bird seed in a trail behind him as he walked. All those people should be ticketed (it IS illegal to feed pigeons in NYC). I call for a special Ops mission to get enacted by the Parks Enforcement Officers now!!

  4. those slots are annoying and disgusting, no one wants to touch those lids. Also the pigeon lady stood right next to me and my husband with our baby throwing crumbs i wanted to gag! This was at about 10am in the morning and rats started coming out from over by the handball courts to eat the bread. My husband ended up getting shit on by the flock of 500 fucking pigeons (kind of funny actually, just glad it wasnt the baby)

  5. I was in the park this weekend and noticed how people were piling garbage on top of the lids instead of putting garbage inside. Yeah, those lids are not a solution.

    I agree with the calling to ticket people who are feeding birds. Do these people not realize the problem they're creating?

  6. I just moved to Stuytown and I've been seeing crazy old folk here feeding the pigeons en masse, which leads me to believe it is a very widespread problem. Every person I've seen doing the feeding is old and seems to be lonely; I'm guessing they feel some kind of bonding with the birds. Really sad. What to do? I've never seen any of these people reprimanded for doing so and its probably because these people tend to appear so sad and frail. Meanwhile they are cultivating a major vermin problem. What to do. :(

  7. they need a different design of trash can. the ones with the pull down chute like the ones (at the bottom of the following webpage)

  8. Ok so let's get a bird for all the olds -- they can have a lovely little canary or parakett or something, in their own home, to keep them company and eat all their bread crumbs.

    Now about the rats.

    Can't we feed them some form of rat birth control, rather than the poison? I have no warmth for the creatures, but to see them staggering through the playground, bleeding from various orifices, is unsettling. Little kids flock to a dying rat and, since it is so incapacitated, the kids can actually get close enough to poke it.


    Can't we just gradually put into effect our own, if you'll pardon the expression, Final Solution? Sterilize the critters?

    I mean, seriously. Human birth control pills were probably TESTED ON RATS.

  9. Don't attack the old people--people have been feeding the pigeons forever. I remember them doing it when I was a child decades ago and people thought it was a kindly gesture.

  10. I have lived in Stuytown all of my life and I've been seeing crazy young folk here puking and screaming Woo Hoo en masse, which leads me to believe it is a very widespread problem. Every person I've seen doing the puking is young and seems to be lonely; I'm guessing they feel some kind of bonding with the vomit. Really sad. What to do? I've never seen any of these people reprimanded for doing so and it’s probably because these people tend to appear so sad and self-absorbed . Meanwhile they are cultivating a major vermin problem. What to do. :(

  11. I don't think there is any love lost here for the pukers.

    Vomit or breadcrumbs -- either way, it's a problem.

    Again, can't we disperse birth control chemicals of some kind to these vermin?

  12. We should use hand sanitizer after putting our trash into the bin.....

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