Wednesday, August 10, 2011

[Updated] Cooper Union is now a hotel — for at least a day

EV Grieve reader @MaryTom asks a perfectly reasonable question via Twitter: "Did I miss something? When did this Cooper Union bldg become Hotel Withrow? Movie set?"

(OK, that's two questions...)

Probably a movie or TV set. We stopped paying attention to film shoots of late. Since there seemed to be one on every other block. Or so it seemed. Or maybe Cooper Union officials feel as if there aren't enough hotels around here...


As a reader pointed out... It is a shoot for "White Collar."

And will the Flaming Cactus get any TV time?


  1. I think it's for White Collar. Love that show!

  2. Ha, be careful - someone may get ideas and this *will* be a hotel this time next year.

  3. They're taking up all the parking on 6th St between 3rd and 2nd. But thats what they do!

  4. Hope they paid a generous location fee to Cooper Union!


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