Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Crusty slumber party

Earlier this morning on East 11th Street. Would like to know what that CNBC van is doing in the background... Photo by native New Yorker and East Village resident Anthony Torre.


  1. did cnbc dump their hosts there after yesterday's dow jones shellacking?

  2. @esquared: Ha ha ha! That's got to be the answer!

  3. Good catch,@esquared. Looking for Maria Bartiromo- the Money Honey. Darn, I don’t see her, she is probably on her way back to Bay Ridge in Todd Thomson’s private subway car. I skeeve her!

  4. They're sleeping in single file, just like the sand people.

  5. CNBC is shooting a new series on that block, "To Catch a Crusty". These are non-sag non-aftra background players.

  6. Not a good idea. Daytime naps can interfere with nighttime sleep.

  7. One of those sleepers looks oddly out of place with his suspiciously cleanish white button down shirt and decidedly uncrusty trousers. And he rests his head on the kind of rolling travel case that respectable people use on their trips. If I had to guess he is a newbie to the scene who's trying his best to become a real crusty in order to woo the lady sleeping beside him, and finally prove his devotion to her.

  8. I've seen a CNBC van on E. 12th in the morning, but it's a carpool van to haul people to New Jersey, not a broadcast van. It was not as decorated as this one though.

  9. White shirt guy is no different than the rest of them. Probably from the same suburban town. He probably just didn't have time to put his costume on this morning.


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