Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The elusive Tompkins Square Park white rat becoming less elusive

Yesterday, Bob Arihood had night-time photos of the elusive Tompkins Square Park white rat ... Apparently, the fame is going to the white rat's head, as he or she decided to frolic in the daytime yesterday near the playground at Ninth Street and Avenue A... as these photos by EV Grieve reader Judy show...

Someone get this thing a Twitter account already!


  1. All sail being set, he now cast loose the life-line, reserved for swaying him to the main royal-mast head; and in a few moments they were hoisting him thither, when, while but two thirds of the way aloft, and while peering ahead through the horizontal vacancy between the main-top-sail and top-gallant-sail, he raised a gull-like cry in the air. "There she blows!--there she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!" - MOBY

  2. This angel looks like she (discerning from the photos) is an escaped pet, not a feral rat and may not last long. Most street rats have largely bred brown or agouti to blend in with their surroundings, albinos or hoodeds are commonly sold as pets(or feed). Is there any plan for a rescue to be done?

  3. i think it's somebody fucking sick joke that they released a white rat among the feral rat population.

  4. couldn't it be a wild albino? though she looks so clean and minty fresh.

  5. I hope she is rescued.

  6. The famed White Rat of Greenpoint Avenue is almost twice this size. Saw it with my own eyes once.


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