Wednesday, August 10, 2011

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition — The LES in video circa 1967, Jim Caviezel filming on Avenue B

The LES circa 1967 via video (BoweryBoogie)

And NYC in video circa 1962 (Nonetheless)

Check out the latest work at the EV Grieve animated gif tribute site (EVGif)

Thrillseekers toss themselves subway parties, record them (Runnin' Scared)

Another stretch of Bleecker Street is doomed (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Our friends at EV Heave are back with more barf on the Coop (EV Heave)

A look at Manhattan rents (Curbed)

Crap, speaking of rent, I forgot to thank W.M. Akers at the Observer for including my comments about the update of "Rent" (The Observer)

The Post's vision of a hooker

City saves Bowery Bank Building (The Lo-Down)

Staying at the Chelsea Hotel in 1978 (Epehmeral NY)

And just when we said we didn't pay any attention anymore to film shoots... Here's Jim "Jesus" Caviezel filming the new CBS drama "Person of Interest" on Avenue B today...

...where earlier, EV Grieve reader E.G. wondered what this was outside 29 Avenue B... The aftermath of a night out at Billy Hurricane's or something more sinister?


  1. The '67 video was brilliant! I pulled my 14 year old over to watch since it predated not only her existence by my own arrival in the EV in '87.

    She immediately started singing alone with the Velvet Underground soundtrack. I just about fell over.

    "Oh, I have that album, mommy."

    My kids are so much cooler than me.

    We both LOVED the park footage -- it looks so different but so obviously the same place.

    RIP the bandshell.

  2. Grieve--those animations are wonderful. Do you use Photoshop for this??Would you animate one of mine??? Pick anyone.

  3. Thanks, Melanie... I don't have anything to do with the site. (And I have no idea how they do this!)

    I'll ask them to animate one of your shots!

  4. Yay, one of my pictures made the cut!

  5. Just walked by the Chelsea yesterday. There's a giant shiny gold Comfort Inn sign over the entrance now.


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