Friday, August 26, 2011

In the Associated water aisle

A few minutes ago at the Associated on 14th Street near First Avenue. By Shawn Chittle.


  1. Out of water, but do they have any Hurricane Chow?

  2. Fyi....just called Whole Foods on Houston and they said they are open 24 hours tonight until 10a tomorrow (Sat)

  3. uh... don't people realize that the water coming out of the tap RIGHT NOW is perfectly good? just fill up some gallon jugs, pitchers, etc and you have your own free water! sheesh. am i the only one thinking clearly around here?

  4. I spent some time this afternoon filling up containers with filtered tap water. I also don't get why people insist on buying bottled water. I did go out to buy a plastic pitcher at the dollar store, but aside from that my water cost zip!


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