Thursday, August 18, 2011

L'asso EV thinks it will make the local pizza competition 'a little worried'

The folks behind Mott Street pizzeria L’asso aren't timid about entering a crowded pizza market.

"I think we're definitely going to make people a little worried," partner Greg Barris said of the competition yesterday in an interview with Patrick Hedlund at DNAinfo. "There’s an endless amount of pizza in that neighborhood, but there really isn’t anyone doing what we’re up to."

L'asso EV is opening an outpost on First Avenue near Seventh Street in the fall, as Hedlund noted. (L'asso is taking over the former Bonjoo space.)

And what makes it so special?

"L’asso prides itself on serving D.O.C.-certified pies — a designation reserved for pizza made to the standards of the Italian government. The restaurant also uses non-bromated flour not typically found in pizza doughs, despite the fact that the additive, potassium bromate, is a known carcinogen."

Their pizzas include specialty toppings like homemade potato chips, truffle oil, mascarpone and walnuts.

(Anyone who has eaten their pizza want to chime in?)

Anyway! Our friend Rebecca Marx asks a very reasonable question over at Fork in the Road: How much more pizza does the East Village really need?

She notes there are 44 pizza places in the East Village. (And no — we're not counting Roberta's at the Urban Dunk Think Tank.)

Per Marx:

"[W]hile we appreciate the plenitude and variety, the whole thing is getting a bit rote: fancy pizzeria announces intentions to open/expand into the neighborhood, promises to forever alter the pizza landscape, opens, gets blogged about, and settles into comfortable mundanity. If you want to worry people, open a slaughterhouse."

+1 on the slaughterhouse please!

Anyway, we still miss Five Rose's Pizza.


  1. "...there really isn’t anyone doing what we’re up to." WHAT, SELLING SLICES FOR $1??!!!

    Oh...potato chips and non-bromated flour.

  2. Y'all get ready for me to drop some Frozza on your asses. Oh yeah — FroYo on top of pizza.

  3. I'll take a slice from 11B over this fancy gourmet pizza any time.

  4. Wow, it's carcinogenic AND has horrific toppings. Guaranteed hit.

  5. could somebody please explain this to me - do they use flour that contains a known carcinogen?
    "The restaurant also uses non-bromated flour not typically found in pizza doughs, despite the fact that the additive, potassium bromate, is a known carcinogen."

    does non-bromated flour contain potassium bromate?


  6. I've had the pizza from L'Asso - it is different and some of the very best I've ever eaten.

    Still miss Rose Maries (later Five Roses) for one of the best classic NY slices. There's nothing around here like it any more.

  7. WTF is going on?

    It seems like the only restaurants opening in the East Village are:


    Can someone try something new?

  8. Also wanted to add.

    F_CK Lasso.

    The Mott street location is right by my office. The pizza itself is fine, but to be honest, pretty unremarkable, and while it's not expensive, it doesn't feel like a good deal.

    Why do I say F_CK them?
    Consistently TERRIBLE, and downright rude service. With that, you can only assume either poor hiring, or poor management. No thank you to either.

    Last time I was there, I actually was treated so poorly. I told them to cancel my order and just up and left - the first and only time in my life I have done that.


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