Monday, August 22, 2011

More rat baiting stations arrive in Tompkins Square Park

Yesterday, we noted the arrival of a rat-baiitng station in Tompkins Square Park ... right near the playground at Avenue A and Ninth Street... newly appointed EV Grieve TSP Ratstravaganza correspondent Bobby Williams noticed six later in the day...

Meanwhile, no word yet if Ramy Issac will design additional floors for the rat-baiting stations.


  1. Those are some pretty big fake rat-rocks. Children could easily mistake them for some kind of fun outdoor rock climbing gym. They could fall off and injure themselves. Really!

  2. Ken's right! Let's gather all the parents and protest these dangerously realistic rocks!

  3. Feed a rat, eliminate a yuppie?

  4. Well, they will be sorry when this guy gets through with them ...

  5. Wouldn't it be great if a giant rat got stuck in one of those fake rocks and started walking around like some demented turtle. Yeah.

  6. Boo. I know they are vermin but for some reason I am rooting for these little guys. Maybe it is because they are not the most disgusting creatures hanging around this park.


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