Wednesday, August 3, 2011

TenEleven is closed while awaiting a new liquor license

We certainly don't need any more bad bar news around here. However, on July 18, TenEleven on Avenue C near 11th Street went before the CB3/SLA committee for a license renewal "with complaint history."

And according to Eater's report, CB3 refused the renewal of "after complaints that it did not abide by stipulations they would sound proof, have security and not host promoted events or live DJs."

We don't know about any of these charges... According to the State Liquor Authority, who has the final say in these matters, TenEleven's license expired on July 31.

This message is on the bar's Facebook page: "Hey everyone! Teneleven will be closed this week as we await our liquor license renewal. Stay tuned!"

In any event, TenEleven is the kind of bar we need more of around here ... featuring the works of local photographers and artists ... and hosting the occasional musician as well as group events...

[Bottom photo via CitySearch]


  1. What a shame. It's awful that a place like this has to deal with this crap. Teneleven is the best thing going in the area. An artist hang without pretense AND a neighborhood bar- an increasingly rare mix. A place where you can look at art, watch football, hear off-the-radar music at one moment and ACDC the next- and have some of the most engaging conversations.

    I have never been to a warmer and more welcoming bar, and have never been part of a warmer, friendlier community of people.

    Best of luck on this obstacle, 1011, don't give up!

  2. Is this a result of the fact that the place has new owners? 3 (I think) of the bartenders (including Evelyn) took over the place recently.

  3. The ownership is the same. Evelyn IS one of the original owners of teneleven. The community board is just giving them grief. It's a shame that she has lived in that community for decades and even has another small business (dog grooming) in the area, yet the community board treats her like an outsider. Who does the community board claim to represent?

  4. I have lived upstairs from Teneleven for ten years. The noise from the bar has increased noticeably in the past 3-4 years. There used to be an (apparently illegal) awning which significantly cut down on noise; since it was blown off by a storm and not replaced, the unnecessary yelling by drunkass smokers at 1A has become too much. I can feel the volume of live bands (promoted events?) and loud music on my third floor apartment -- coming up not only through the (wide-open) door on the street but also the airshaft. There is exactly zero security, and the place is definitely not sufficiently soundproofed.

    Again, these were not problems the first 7 years I lived here. These complaints are valid. I'm happy to have the bar around, provided it acts as a good neighbor. Keep the loud music and loudmouths inside with doors shut and add decent soundproofing.

    Looks like the license has been renewed, so I'm hoping some real changes in how the joint is run come through. Otherwise, I'll be making more friends over at 311.


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