Saturday, August 6, 2011

That dumpster outside the Mars Bar

Early last evening, Goggla noted the arrival of a dumpster alongside the Mars Bar ... Perhaps it's in advance of tonight's street party-protest?

So we took a look inside this morning... not much of interest. Kind of looked like someone ransacked an IKEA store.


  1. I was just there last night and I'm looking forward to the party there. Anybody have an idea as to when it starts?

  2. Be sure to wear street smart attire for the rrrriot at the BMW Guggenheim Lab, Marty.

  3. @Ken: I'm off to the Street Smart Attire and More store right now!

  4. @Marty - the street party starts at 8pm on 3rd St, moving to the Guggenheim Lab and then towards Mars after that.

  5. @Goggla: Thanks, I'll look for you there!


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