Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Was the fire at Flea Market yesterday suspicious?

[Photo by Bobby Williams]

That's the gossip anyway surrounding yesterday afternoon's fire at Flea Market Cafe on Avenue A. A few readers noted that there were a lot of FDNY brass on the scene for a blaze that firefighters extinguished in 25 minutes or so. Bob Arihood notes that the NYPD Crime Scene unit stayed around until midnight or so. (Bob's first post on the fire is here.)

No word just yet when the restaurant will reopen.

1 comment:

  1. heard a rumour that someone has been eyeing that place and is trying to turn that place into a luxe bar/lounge/restaurant. they saw a potential with the location and, of course, the changing demographics, and thought that hey can eliminate the affordability of the place. this coming from a bartender who quit because they keep changing the management there. and since it's not really up for sale and they still have a full liquor license, and don't wanna jump hoops through CB3 on the transfer of the liquor license, this may have been the way to do it. thus, i don't think it'll re-open as flea market cafe again. all just rumour of course. and i was planning to go there tonight for their all you can eat moules frites.


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