Friday, August 26, 2011

Zone A residents told to evacuate by tomorrow at 5 p.m.

Mayor Bloomberg said the city would start a mandatory evacuation of residents in Zone A areas. (Gothamist)

Borrowed this map from BoweryBoogie... Zone A is the area in orange.

That's a fairly wide area... starting at Houston... East of Avenue D to the East River ... north along Avenue D to East Ninth Street, then west on Ninth Street to Avenue B then north on B to East 14th Street...

Seward Park High School and Baruch College are the nearest evacuation centers.

Per Mayor Bloomberg via Gothamist:

Technically, not heeding the mandatory evacuation order would be a violation of the law that could get you fined and sent to jail. But Bloomberg assured New Yorkers today that "nobody is going to get fined and nobody is going to go to jail, but if they don't evacuate they could die."

He also said: "From 9 p.m. tomorrow to 9 p.m. Sunday please, stay indoors. It is dangerous when the winds are this high and the rains are so heavy."

Yes, but we need photos.


  1. I'm just outside of the green zone so I'll have pics hahahaha

  2. guess the row will be crust free

  3. Yup, as with Tim, I'm in the white zone. Nice! I'll take pics for ya, Grieve if I don't chicken out. :)

  4. in zone A. i ain't goin nowhere.

  5. evacuation has to be done by 5pm but subway and bus service is to be halted at noon? Logic only a Mayor with is own private helicopter could appreciate.

  6. @eric.g - The MTA shutdown was Cuomo's call, not Bloomberg's, and will take 8 hours. Evacuation buses will be running throughout the day. The idea is to protect both equipment and MTA workers, and while it's certainly frustrating, it's probably for the best.

  7. Yes please do send along any Irene photos!

  8. anon, thanks. that does make some sense, they need to get all the trains to the yards and not strand any passengers or crew.

    I think the bigger issue is that every low lying area is being evacuated except Riker's Island. Did we learn nothing from Katrina?

  9. Oh yes, Jacob Riis and the other LES NYC Public Housing tenants are going to listen to the Emperor of Bermuda. When pigs fly

  10. The NYC OEM hurrican evac zone map was based on NOAA flood data mapped onto NYS and NYC geography.

    Here's a more detailed map for those interested, you can zoom into street and block level.

    make sure the "coastal storm impact zone" data is active in the map legend.


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