Saturday, September 10, 2011

Woman found dead outside St. Brigid's on Avenue B

Avenue B is currently closed between Seventh Street and Eighth Street ...

[Photo by Ted Roden]

... as police investigate the death of a woman under the sidewalk shed at St. Brigid's...

An officer told Dave on 7th that the victim is a homeless woman. No foul play is suspected. Another reader was told that the death is being treated as an overdose.

This is the same space where Grace Farrell died back in February.


  1. Damn, there are always people sleeping in that area. Anyone got any other news? Natural causes? Assault?

  2. I was in the park last night with some friends a little before 10 and the FDNY showed up to help a lady passed out. She was splayed out on the sidewalk in the park just off the entrance on B and 7th. At first we didn't even realize she was a woman because had a biker/crusty look going on and was coal miner dirty. When she heard the FDNY coming she popped up like nothing had happened and started chatting with the firefighter. I wonder if this was the same lady? Poor thing.

  3. East Village Yuppie HaterSeptember 10, 2011 at 4:19 PM

    This is great news! Although I am truly sorry for the loss of life, it does mean that this area is starting to get back to like it was when it was so great to live here (before all these Yuppie restaurants where yuppies come and eat and UCB comedy theaters where Yuppies go see comedy inside of them). Back when there were more junkies here. We have GOT to get rid of these Yuppies and the places they eat and see comedy!!! I am sick of these young, urban (okay, I guess I can't fault them for being urban) professionals with jobs coming here!!!! Bring back the Beatniks!!!! (Or junkies...either group is fine)!

  4. Hah,hah hah-belch. EV Yuppie hater, you are out of your league on this blog. Yuppie-how 80's of you. I guess you forgot about that rich teen age girl, daughter of a US ambassador, who had it all and fell 20 stories, drunk out of her mind, because she tried to take a picture. Douche Bag!

  5. I am creeped out by the poster at 4:19 p.m. making fun of the situation. We don't know who this woman was, or how she died, but it is sad, and I am sure there are family and friends who loved her and are heartbroken over the loss.

  6. I agree with Crazy Eddie. It's obvious by the number of exclamation marks this person has no clue as where or when to try to be satirical. Also, karma is a real thing.

  7. wow. i think i saw this woman last night. i was walking home around midnight and she was out there barefoot asking for change--but thats pretty usual for that spot. i have lived on 7th btn A and B for about 2 years now, so i'm pretty used to it. this is so crazy. she did'nt look well, but she didn't look that great either.


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