Friday, September 9, 2011

Endless Summer

[Blue Glass]

Second Avenue this afternoon.


  1. man, 6th street in little india has become the total crash pad, the crusties are mixing with the drinking school that hangs in front of the church on 2nd at 7th...something bad will happen here soon, I'm sure of it, the idiot frat boys will think its funny to piss on the sleeping crusties or something...

  2. More like endless bummer.

  3. YES! East 6th has become the crustie cabana with man sized pitbulls (in sleeping bags) sleeping along side their owners. Last Wed. there were six in front of my E.6th St. home. (It was pouring rain - might've cleaned them up and then what?) The smart money is on the pitbulls, though, if the drunks take a winkee on the crusties.

  4. Whatisit with the crusties taking over lower 2nd ave by saint marks? They are getting belligerent. They need to stop spending their 'rents money on tattoos (on their face).


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