Thursday, September 8, 2011

Final destination for 11-17 Second Ave.

Been some time since we checked in on 11-17 Second Ave., the buildings — including the Mars Bar space — that will be demolished to make way for a 12-story apartment building. There are some whispers about why nothing much has happened here of late.

In any event, this past Saturday, workers were on the scene. When asked, a worker said they were removing the sewer and water lines from the property... a necessary step before demolition...

Expect to see some scaffolding soon. The City issued that permit in early August... not to mention the debris chute.

So all this is to say ... expect some scaffolding here soon enough...

1 comment:

  1. WHY don't some enterprising squatters occupy #9 Second Avenue? It's a city building that's being administered by UHAB, it's not owned by Capoccia, who used the tenants of the Mars Bars building to make his purchase of that property more profitable, so they can't get busted for trespassing on private property.

    I hope that those tenants who made that deal with the devil (Capoccia), resulting in the loss of two beautiful old buildings and several commercial spots for local merchants in favor of yet another windfall for Capoccia, who gets to build an extra high yuppie ghetto with more than 50 market rate apts get FUCKED over by Capoccia and get NOTHING!!

    They'll deserve whatever he does to them....


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