Thursday, September 15, 2011

First look inside Tompkins Square Bagels

Tompkins Square Bagels at 165 Avenue A is closer now to an opening date. The blue plywood is finally down...

EV Grieve contributor Shawn Chittle takes a look inside... and reports that owner Christopher Pugliese hopes to open by Oct. 1. Per Shawn: "It's looking real good. All sorts of real wood tables, accents, and lots of places for food that you can run in and grab and go or sit and relax. People waiting for M14 bus have a new place to sit and grab a coffee and bagel. Couldn't be better."



  1. SOOOO looking forward to this! Thanks for nice the photos, Shawn.

  2. this took forever! wow... also the actual address is 165 Avenue A.

  3. I cannot wait! Be there every day!

  4. Fabulous!!! I can't wait for this to open!

  5. Nice shots and reporting by Shawn! Looking forward to trying a bagel here.

  6. This is very exciting. Do we know yet what kind of coffee they'll be serving?

  7. Personally I'm hoping for the kind of coffee that comes out of a pot sitting on a burner and not out of a fancy espresso machine all decorated with "latte art." But this is 2011 and we're all still all obsessed with "coffee culture" so it's probably for sure the owner will have to feature something freshly ground and "artisanal" instead my personal favorite, Café Bustelo, which is always good to the last drop.

  8. We are so excited about this! We'll now be counting down the days until October 1st! Thanks for sharing a sneak preview!

  9. What, people are too lazy to make their own bagels now? Here's one good recipe; there are others:

  10. @Dr Gecko: I don't know about anyone else, but for me the answer to your question is: Yes.

  11. I've never even had a bagel. I'm a virgin. I will be losing my virginity at this place when it opens and can't wait. Heard so many good things... the softness, the warmth, the large round hole.

    I think I will be tired afterwards, too.

  12. Gecko! How dare you to even suggest that one could entertain the possibility of producing a bagel that could possibly come anywhere near to approaching the quality of a Tompkins Square Bagel (Breath) You sir are hear by challenged to a bagel duel ! Mano y mano. 165 Avenue A. My oven. My seeds. Bring your own dough. Rest my friend. Rest up well and be there when we open so we can sort out a day and time. And you'd best bring your A game that day. Loser cleans the kettle ;-)

  13. I know your bagels are going tp be very special!!! ( a ex bagel baker from way back!!!


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