Saturday, October 15, 2011

A different type of demonstration at Tompkins Square Park yesterday

Yesterday afternoon, the Great New York City Bike Share Tour made a stop on Avenue A along Tompkins Square Park... The program starts next summer with 10,000 bikes at more than 600 locations...

.... and here are a few shots from the afternoon...

[Top four photos by Bobby Williams]

[Dave on 7th]

[Sara Louise Tucker]

Here is an FAQ about the program. Bloomy announced the program last month.

Is this a good idea?


  1. I think I am into this, Im not positive, but I think I like it. I have a bike, so I wont use it, but its been a huge success in london right? why not give it a shot here. We've got the lanes...

  2. It's a great idea with the usual caveat that it can be screwed up in the implementation.

    For instance, these are more or less the same bikes they use in Montreal. There, all of the stations are in the street, taking up a parking spot or three but keeping the sidewalks clear. You can bet that won't be the case here where car owners have a much larger voice.

  3. Those bikes would all end up over in the projects in less than a on it

  4. Uh-oh, more bikes. People are gonna be mad I can already feel it.

    I like the spirit of this idea and I know it's already working in other cities but I'm not sure how it works. To me a better idea is to make a small investment in a used "beater" bike to get you around town, that you don't have to worry too much about when you leave it on the street. On the other hand the sharing idea seems to allow for more flexibility, i.e. one way rides.

  5. i worry about having more amateur-hour, weekend-toodler bike riders in the streets. even with bike lanes, the streets are congested with people and vehicles. i predict more accidents.

  6. I think it could be great. It would help those of us with less subway access get there, or even where we're going. I wonder what the helmet situation is. It would be terrible if everyone was riding without helmets... but if people stay safe I think it has great potential.


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