Thursday, October 6, 2011

IHOP's suburbification of East 14th Street complete, we hope

Wow. Just seems like June 12 yesterday when we first saw the warning sign on East 14th Street between Second Avenue and Third Avenue...

And yesterday, workers put the finishing touches on the IHOPnopy...

Per EV Grieve reader Tom:

Wow. First the extra-wide awning, then the 3-story high banner, and now the sidewalk canopy. That's a whole lot of IHOP Blue!

I think they're trying to compensate for not being able to build one of those giant blue roofs found on classic suburban IHOPs.

[Manhasset IHOP pic via Tom]

Don't give anyone any ideas!

h/t Jennifer at Xoom for the IHOPalert...


  1. Didn't the city crack down on those sidewalk canopies ? And also, I thought that signage couldn't be more than 12" high. Maybe the Community Board needs to take a look at this.

  2. Ya know, someone on an IHOP thread yesterday compared this place to the infamous St. Marks GAP store, which of course was a failure, and I'm semi-inclined to agree that this IHOP might be one too. Not just wishful thinking, either -- I pass it at least once a day at all times of day and while people are eating there, it's never really crowded, let alone bouncer-worthy. And if it isn't now in its earliest days, I can't see how IHOP is suddenly going to become "hot."

  3. The signage is obnoxious.

  4. it is a giant "F*CK YOU" right to the face of the east village.
    it is beyond obnoxious.
    it is insulting, and downright reprehensible.
    do you know what kind of companies IHOP supports? they cook with poison, chemicals, and genetically modified food produced by evil scientist companies like monsanto who are literally destroying the world.
    IHOP you should be ashamed of yourself and the east village is the LAST place you should be peddling your corporate evil.
    go back to the burbs and take your hollow souled, vapid and immoral consumers with you!!

  5. It's bad enough the "restaurant" infected this block with a large slice of suburbia, but to consume the building, both horizontally and vertically, and now the entire sidewalk with garish infinity signage? It's an embarrassment to the neighborhood. Yup, we have herpes.

  6. That is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen!

  7. Ah, the suburbification is not over yet...just wait until they install the parking lot!

  8. Well, as I posted in a previous thread, I recently ate in an IHOP and they made me the worst fucking pancakes I've ever had. Never again. Even MickeyD's is better.

  9. I am convinced that this is purposely over-the-top. There’s the Ironic Beard and now IHOP is playing some games with this Ironic Signage.

  10. I think the most obnoxious things about this IHOP are the two 3-story high banners (mounted 4-stories high), and the fact that there are a whopping SIX(!) IHOP logo signs -- compare that to the suburban Manhasset IHOP which has only one IHOP logo sign.

  11. It's total overkill. It looks ridiculous, especially since, sorry to say, no one is ever in there! I passed it today at 9:30 am, 9:40ish pm, and again at about 11pm. It wasn't even close to full, maybe a third full at most each time.

    I didn't even totally hate that it came here, I mean yeah it's terrible suburban obesity food but at least it reportedly provided a solid 200 or so jobs. But then came the logo signs, 4-story banners, and awning so giant-ass it basically functions as Smurf-blue scaffolding. Add to that that no one is even fucking eating there and now I'm solidly on the side of oh fuck you IHOP you giant diabeetus factory.

  12. So this was a disappointing experience. I'd complain about the service but there wasn't any service. It's been open for a while you'd think they would have their act together by now. They don't !


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