Sunday, October 2, 2011

Today in flyers looking for a lost snake

Holy crap! On 13th Street and Avenue B... via EV Grieve reader Molly, a frightened resident.


  1. Dude, thats so funny, my parents tell the story about an albino python or whatever similar to this that escaped in brooklyn heights in the late 70s, that ended up in their bathroom. They called the cops, and before the cop went into the bathroom, he unlatched his gun... Funny detail. They still bump into people who knew of the story.

  2. oh great. people can you please stop losing your snakes???

  3. Isn't the same snake that l'il freaky deaky Justin Beiber carried in his hand during some award ceremony recently

  4. Sorry, forgot about this part of the story. My dad just reminded me, there was a Cosby show episode with this same plot, that my parents honestly believe is based on their story.


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