Friday, October 7, 2011

Tomorrow: Concert in Tompkins Square Park, memorial for Bob Arihood

[Photo by Melanie at East Village Corner]

Two things to note for tomorrow... there's a free concert in Tompkins Square Park during the afternoon organized by Jay "Blonde Boy" Wilson and sponsored by The Shadow. The music will be more of the jazzy/bluesy/rock variety featuring:

• Blonde Boy Wilson
• Faith
• On Kaa Davis

In addition, there will be a tribute to Bob Arihood (this show was scheduled before he passed away) with a table of his photos and a few guest speakers.

[Photo by jdx]

Also, friends of Bob have organized a memorial at The 6th Street and Avenue B Community Garden starting around 2 ...

By the way, Jefferson Siegel wrote a lovely feature obituary in this week's issue of The Villager. You may read it here.


  1. WE MISS YOU, BOB!!!!!!!!

    I always looked forward to Friday and Saturday nights to have wonderful informative conversations, share news items and hearty laughter as we observed the passing hordes of late night lunatics in front of Rays. Those were some really great times....

  2. I have to work today. Hard to see the posts about Bob wend their way to the bottom of the feed. Life goes on.


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