Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tompkins Square Park, 1:57 p.m., Oct. 15

[Photo by jdx]

Occupy Tompkins Square Park just getting started...


  1. just seemed like one old angry guy screaming from a script

  2. I rode by just now to see some shit but I didn't see shit. Looked like just another Saturday in the park. The only raucous I came across was the trio of a mom, dad and their kid banging on hand drums.

  3. @josegarcia--the man's name is Pitts and he is a poet and was reading from his work with heartfelt emotion.

  4. Mock-upy TSP would be a more appropriate headline, perhaps...

  5. most of the action today was at times square. only late in the evening, around 8pm did they start moving down to washington square park.

  6. "The man's name is Pitts and he is a poet and was reading from his work with heartfelt emotion."

    Uh, whatever. Sounded like someone that escaped Bellevue to me.

  7. Im afraid of Tompkins Park, I only hang out by 2nd ave and 5th street, I dont dare go east of 1st ave, its crazy over there. I see dead bodies all day at the morgue where I work. Im a patholigical liar

  8. His poetry was amazingly beautiful and his poem on racism and white supremacy was so true most of the white people in the dog run left rather than hear it. At midnight Det. Hernandez and other 9th Pct. cops were unable to close the entrance to the Park at 7th. and A as they tried to figure out why they couldn't get it closed a mob of about 500 people arrived at the Park marching in the street. Since the park entrance was blocked by cops the march went down Ave. A blocking traffic and one masked man even jumped on top of a limo. The neighborhood is so full of white braindead yuppie zombies they don't have a clue that the rest of America is getting desperate and very angry but they will realize it soon enough and their party will soon be over.

  9. Just to be clear we were a diversion for the day and we were not expecting the march to get to TSP until midnight but because of the Times Square arrests and other actions taken by the cops to break up the march only 500 people made it at midnight but we really had a lot of fun and seeing people storming Ave A was worth the wait.


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