Monday, October 17, 2011

Try my beer toast!: Calling for contributions to the free East Village Harvest Cookbook

From the EV Grieve inbox ...

Tompkins Square and St. Mark’s Church Greenmarkets are calling for recipes from around the East Village for our 2011 East Village Harvest Cookbook.

We’re looking for YOUR favorite recipe featuring fall farmers’ market ingredients, especially produce. Simple recipes are best – avoid exotic ingredients and Iron Chef-type cooking techniques. Eligible entries will join some Greenmarket fall favorites in our 2011 East Village Harvest Cookbook, which we’ll offer for free at the markets in time for Thanksgiving. (Don’t forget to include any info you’d like us to credit – including author’s name, organization or company name and contact info if applicable, and any note or story about the recipe.)

Email your recipe to:

Lela Chapman or Greg Manley

Or write it down at the Market Info table at Tompkins Square Sundays or St. Mark’s Church Tuesdays.

Recipes due by Sunday, Nov. 6.

Image via.

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