Wednesday, November 9, 2011

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Somewhere on Lafayette by Bobby Williams]

Is NYU worth all the tuition? (The Village Voice)

Your chance tonight to say where the city's bike-sharing stations should go in the East Village (DNAinfo)

Where you can still finding actual meat in the Meatpacking District (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

The Algonquin Hotel is closing in January for extensive renovations (Crain's)

How you can learn about your apartment's history (Gothamist)

Is Chinatown's Nom Wah Tea Parlor getting overrun by hipsters? (The Lo-Down)

And tomorrow night at 6, there's a free screening of the acclaimed documentary "Gasland" at the Earth School auditorium (Avenue B and Fifth Street). Open to the public. There is also childcare for Earth School children.


  1. The NYT had a story today about Cooper Union. Quite interesting is this line: "The college also invested $32 million of that borrowing in its endowment, calculating that the endowment investments would earn a higher rate of return than the interest Cooper was paying on the loan. That turned out to be a bad bet when the recession hit."

    They took a loan for $32 million and gambled with it. That is not responsible behavior.

  2. @Lux Living: Ha! I think you've finally nailed it, she is pantless after all!


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