Friday, November 4, 2011

Introducing Artist Alley @ Extra Place

From the EV Grieve inbox....

[ Image via Forgotten New York]

On Saturday, November 19, Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc) will present Groundbreak, the inaugural exhibit in a rotating public art program for Artist Alley @ Extra Place. This exhibit is the latest in a series of temporary art installations in atypical locations in the East Village/Lower East Side through FABnyc's ArtUp program. Artist Alley @ Extra Place is tucked behind the former CBGBs and surrounded by several galleries, including La MaMa E.T.C.'s La Galleria, Fuse Gallery, The Hole, and The Proposition to name a few.

FABnyc recognizes Extra Place as a cultural marker in New York City's Punk and No Wave scene and its potential as fertile ground for a new generation of creative exchange. Abe Lincoln Jr., Jon Burgerman, and Ellis Gallagher are New York based artists who will reclaim the concrete sidewalk as their blank canvas.

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