Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The East Village rolls out welcome wagon for new Starbucks

Spotted on the plywood at the incoming Starbucks on First Avenue and East Third Street... thanks to jdx for the photos...


  1. Strutting Leo strikes!

  2. My sentiments exactly expressed on all 3. Keep 'em comin'!

  3. +1 for the use of "Impact" font

    +2 for the appropriate use of you and you're

  4. hahaha so great :)
    see leo really strut his stuff on the EVGif

  5. Civil disobedience, I like it.

  6. Hate to be a downer but I believe s'bucks recently adopted a no public toilet rule for its NYC stores. The days of toilet bombings have passed.

  7. made my day. this guy's a hero!

  8. @Anon 2:00 pm,

    That no public toilet "policy" was a rogue thing, which Starbucks corporate reversed:

    NY Times Article.p

  9. so glad someone let them know how many of us feel

  10. Am I to understand that a Starbucks is going into the same location that once housed Little Ricky?!??!

    Get out your ice skates people because hell just froze over.

  11. why the anger? the bean moved on starbucks took the space , dont go if you dont like it ,i guess you dont go to Macdonalds or shop in chain stores either . no where is that starbucks gift card.

    1. Agreed. The problem is the ridiculous rents charged by landlords. Or maybe not. I'm assuming Starbucks wouldn't operate a store that loses money. And local coffee shops charge as much (or more) than Starbucks. NYC sucks nowadays. The rent is too damn high!

  12. Dying, you are absolutely right. that was the Little Ricky space. i spent many a time in their photo booth.

  13. Perfect! Love what evgif did as well!

  14. Stop hattin' of the Starbucks. I LOVE Starbucks. If you don't like it, don't so there!!

  15. Gee, I don't know Anonymous. Maybe I'm just an angry old EV denizen who's weary of personality-less chains taking over where mom and pop shops used to be. Even The Bean wasn't a favorite but Starfucks is even less of one.

  16. The Bean still exists! They have locations in the East Village. They were not shut down by a Starbucks!

  17. Ben Shaoul is the reason there is a Starbucks here now.

  18. I don't love Starbucks and will definitely not be going there. However, I discourage everyone from expressing their dislike of Starbucks by poop bombing their bathrooms. Some overworked, underpaid barista/cashier will have to clean that shit (ha!) up and it's not like they get paid extra to handle janitorial duties (doodies? tee hee).

  19. Who can afford high rent in this economy?

  20. Anonymous, I mention The Bean as they were in this location prior to what will now be Starbucks moving in. The only ones who can afford high rents in this economy are, to my line of thinking, these rather unfortunate large chains. This is why places like Love Saves The Day, Wowsville, Finyl Vinyl, to name a few, have been replaced by Subway restaurants, Starbucks and banks. But hey, if that's what you prefer, to each his own.

  21. A long time ago, a non-specific SOMEBODY dropped a glass jar full of those waterbugs in a newly opened Starbucks. Oh, the chaos that caused! It was delicious.

  22. Starbucks has always been welcoming to me. I like their toasted bagels and black cherry yogurt. It is a cool place to hang out for a bit. I don't like chains taking over small operations tho.

  23. I don't get it. Offer an inferior product and your out of business. Starbucks coffee sucks and they keep expanding.

  24. The Bean is not out of business! The actually have expanded and have 2 Beans now!

  25. I don't think Starbucks offers an inferior product -- the coffee comes in a variety of strengths, the specialty beverages are prepared with a nod to presentation and variety of options (whole/skim/low fat, soy, half decaf, blah blah blah LA Story), and the food/pastries are appealing and fresh.

    That being said, the uniformity of such also makes it rather soulless.

    The first Starbucks I ever patronized in NYC was at the airport, JFK, a looong time ago -- because it was the only place that Starbucks had managed to set up shop (someone can confirm the history). I'd read so much about this visionary, employee-centric business, with superb coffee too boot, that I was delighted to find it at the airport.

    It was such a novelty, the boutique coffee shop.

    Now it is the McDonald's of coffee shops, albeit with higher quality and price, but a predictable chain nonetheless.

    Perhaps Starbucks should just become the I-95 coffee pit stop and leave our local 'hoods alone.

  26. If you Dont like their acidic coffee dont fucken buy it. Meantime they give lots of jobs and health-care to people. So to the full-time anti's here, go fuck yourselves and get over it already

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Anon. 5:02- Sounds like a plan. A very good plan.

  29. if this is closed down where would woofie and the rest get there moca apple latte to enjoy at the TSP dogrun Who's Park these DAYS

  30. Starbucks has a business model that has worked because it's based on addicting young people to caffeine and sugar. REAL coffee doesn't taste like that. Starbucks roasts their coffee to within an inch of it's life to maximize the caffeine content, and even their Pikes Place (supposedly "normal" roast) coffee is undrinkable.

    I'd go to a McDonalds, Dunkin', NYC Coffee Cart or diner before I buy anything from Starbucks.

    1. Um, the darker the roast, the less caffeine. The blonde roast has MORE caffeine. Stick to black coffee and you won't have a sugar addiction. Caffeine is a good thing! It improves performance, physical and mental. Drink 1 cup per day. I, for one, drink a Starbucks w 3 Sugar in the Raws and milk.

  31. As an EV resident for over 3 decades I can tell you that the only reason stores stayed was the cheap rents. Now that the EV has become a neighborhood with higher rents only the larger chains or some very successful specialty shop can afford to pay the rents. Those who love Bean will still be able to have their coffee and drink it too when they open their new space on Second Avenue and 3rd Street soon. Those who like Starbucks will have their haven as well. What's the problem? If you want to feel angry...aim your anger at the landlords who charge higher and higher commercial rents forcing out smaller shop owners who have served the EV since before you were born.

  32. There are so many great coffee shops in the East Village, Starbucks has no place here. If we're going to have tourists, I'd rather they at least spent their money at local shops and got at least some idea of what it means to live in the East Village. Instead, they'll go straight for the Starbucks in the same way that they bee-line for the Olive Garden or Red Lobster in Times Square. It's a shame.

  33. I'm really baffled by all this anti-starbucks anger. The Bean literally moved a block away. And they have locations all over the area. There's far more "Bean" down here than starbucks. It would be one thing if Starbucks put out a poor mom-and-pop coffee shop, but at least in this area of town, The Bean is ubiquitous.

  34. bring me a brown drink and wheres my effing cunt cap, those effers in CULTS stole it ...

  35. The Bean's coffee was horrible and the place was dirty. I, for one -- a resident between Avenue C and D -- welcome Starbucks to the neighborhood. For heaven's sake. Of all the things to "protest." Starbucks seems to be a decent company run by decent people -- decent wages, healthcare, "fair trade" and all the rest...

    So tired of the juvenile almost Communist rhetoric of some losers in this neighborhood.

  36. Anonymous @ 7:59 AM said...
    Starbucks roasts their coffee to within an inch of it's life to maximize the caffeine content.

    FYI - the longer coffee is roasted the lower the caffeine content.

    That's the disturbing thing about blogs and comments. No one is there to fact check.

  37. Just spoke to a friend of mine who manages a starbucks. He said that this location is a new profit sharing store, the 4th in NYC , where some of the profits of those stores will go to the city of New York. NYC can then put that money toward schools and creating jobs. Starbucks has 20 profit sharing stores and more to come.

  38. damn i'm excited to see people so engaged about this !

  39. you 'haters' are ridiculous. if you actually lived here when the EV was gritty, you wouldnt even sneeze at this (starbucks opening) and if you were and actually still have some venom about stuff like this, then you are an aging-lifer-loser who is bitter about your horrible quality of life in the crappy rent-stabilized/controlled craphole that you still live in because your crappy band never got signed because of how commercial the horrible music industry is or whatever lame excuse youre using for your lame life.

  40. Dont be pissed at starbucks, be pissed at the yuppies who invaded the hood.

    Where they go, starbucks goes.

  41. I'll stick with La Colombe. Far superior coffee and no fake flavored coffee drinks with cutesy names.

    The lines are too long though, so I buy it, grind it at home, and make the coffee myself.

    - East Villager


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