Thursday, December 8, 2011

Report: New owner paid $25.5 million for Cabrini Nursing Center

As we reported on Nov. 21, a neighbor with knowledge of the proceedings at the Cabrini Nursing Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation on East Fifth Street at Avenue B claimed that Ben Shaoul is the new owner of the property.

Today, more details are starting to emerge about the sale. The Lo-Down has the scoop that the building was sold for $25.5 million. Per The Lo-Down:

A private company called “MM 62-74 Avenue B Owner” acquired the building in a transaction recorded in city land records Dec. 2. The firm, which was incorporated in August, lists as its address the law office of Goldberg Weprin Finkel Goldstein near Times Square.

Meanwhile, plans for the new building and the name of the actual owner have not been made public just yet. Cabrini's lease expires in April. Local politicians have urged the new owner to extend the lease to allow Cabrini sufficient time to find a new facility in the area.


1 comment:

  1. everything about this makes me absolutely sick to my stomach and i am appalled that this is happening so close to my home. i dread more monied yuppied frat idiot neighbors coming to the shiny new glass box, who don't give a cr@p about anything or anyone but themselves. ben shaol is obviously the devil and is going straight to hell. my heart goes out to the elderly, invalid, and the incapacitated, their families, and the priests and nuns who tried/are trying to protect and assist them.
    the age of real-estate greed eschewing law and any nominal sense of morality has reached a new and UNACCEPTABLE LOW in this town.

    Where is the city?
    Where is the mayor?
    Where are the lawyers?
    Where are the laws?
    Where is the press?

    How in god's name is this happening?


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