Friday, December 9, 2011

RIP Charlie

[Photo by Bob Arihood from July 2011]

To be honest, we don't know too much about Charlie... other than that we'd see him around fairly often, such as at Ray's ... He had bypass surgery earlier this year, and had been on the mend. Sad news to report, though: A reader said that his body was discovered last night in his East 10th Street apartment... we don't know any other details at the moment...


  1. NOOO!!! He was a great guy with a positive outlook on life despite his poor health this year. I am very sad about this.

  2. Charlie was a great guy -- we had lotsa laughs hanging late nights outside Ray's at 7th + Avenue A with Bob Arihood. He was always smiling and happy.

    I thought he was doing better, having come out of the hospital recently -- he'd gained weight and had stopped smoking.

    Too many people I know dying this year...

  3. Winter or summer, Charlie could be found on a sunny bench in Tompkins Square Park, reading an impossibly long book from the library, sharing his ideas, and smiling at everyone.

    Although he will be missed, he'll remain a part of us.


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