Monday, December 12, 2011

Today in discarded books on Second Avenue

EV Grieve reader AC wonders if someone dropped this along here Saturday afternoon... Or it was a subtle hint that went unheeded...


  1. After Audrey Kishline founded Moderation Management, she realized that she could not moderate her drinking after all, so she returned to AA but relapsed, and in 2000 drove the wrong way down the highway while highly intoxicated, crashing into another vehicle head-on and killing its passengers: a man and his 12-year-old daughter. She spent about 3 years in jail.

    I do not recommend this book.

  2. I had to look this up, LvL, it seemed unbelievable, but is true. What is unbelievable to me is she only served 3.5 years for killing 2 people while drunk.

  3. I know somebody who killed a few people in a similar fashion, she served about 4 years.

  4. If only they'd crash their cars into seas of alcoholic santas! Win! Win!

  5. Yup- Don't drink & drive & boy do I hate the fuck out of Santacon.

  6. I love AA but didn't get the lingo, the hierarchy was too old school for me. I revere what those guys did with the 12 steps and all. But I got "sober"/"clean" with Yes, alcohol IS a drug.(period!)as they like to say. If you tried over 6 AA meetings and didn't get it, try NA - which stands for Narcotics Anonymous. It speaks - the literature - more to the obsession and compulsion and self-esteem issues that compound the usage of a controlled or uncontrolled substance. It's speaks specifically to emotional habits such learning to replace the
    Neggative with the Positive
    Resentment Past Acceptance
    Anger Present Love
    Fear Future Faith

    And the literature is free oh

    This one is from the Triangle of Obsession. and you can always phone them directly to find out more.

    Peace, blessings, healing, growth and serenity to you now and in the new years to come.



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