Friday, December 16, 2011

Tompkins Square Bagels is now officially open

At 167 Avenue A near 10th Street.


[A little earlier today... via Dave on 7th]


  1. gonna have to stop by. Really hoping their bagels will hold up to Russ & Daughters appetizers, since their own bagels are sub-par.

  2. Hip hip hooray for Tompkins Square Bagels and Chris for opening a store THE RIGHT WAY!

    Gonna be a huge hit!

  3. Can't wait to try them out. The bagels look great. Congrats on the opening.

  4. I think I know where I'm going for lunch today.

  5. The bagels look fantastic! I'll be checking it out this weekend for sure!

  6. I'll be there tomorrow morning for sustenance before I go fight the Xmas hordes at the post office! I'm gonna go bagel crazy!

    Welcome to the neighborhood!

  7. Thanks to everyone for cheering us on and for all the support! We have a 15 year lease. If by the end we have served the community the way Ray's Candy, Commodities, Life Cafe, or Jim Power have, I will consider this a success. That's the goal. I love our block and what's motivating me to work extra hard to succeed is the fact that if I didn't , I'd have to leave! PS: The bagels are going to get even better. Although they're close, they aren't exactly the way I want them yet. Give it about a month ;-)

  8. @BagelGuy-Great news, will drop by today. Quick question: Do you have bialys and bulkas and if not, will you start to bake and carry them as well? Mmmm...Bulkas!

  9. consider this a very soft opening! i was irked that when i went in i ordered a dozen bagels and 2 kinds of cream cheese, they didn't mention until after they'd packed everything up that they couldn't take credit cards...and then when i came back from the ATM, i learned that they couldn't make change yet, either! i'm sure they'll iron out the kinks, but oy, as my people say. very soft opening.

    upside: the review from the in-house bagel experts: very good product. still not the really chewy bagel of the old world, but better than the rolls most people pass off as bagels.

    and i really hope they'll sell challah! (the counter girl did not know what it was, but uh, i'm sure someone there does.) it is a SHONDEH that you can't get good challah in the nabe anymore, unless you buy zomick's (FROM LONG ISLAND, CHRIST) at whole foods.

    anyhow, i hope they get their act together quickly, and i wish 'em well.

  10. Everything w/ lox and onion. Excellent. The David's hole has been filled.

  11. As a bagel lover, I checked out the place immediately after seeing this post. I'm thrilled someone brought a bagel place so close to my apartment. That said, I'm happy to hear he's still working out the kinks, the bagels were very good, but needless to say, my expectations were sky high. They weren't met. I'll be coming back soon though to see whether they truly get better.

  12. @ Marjorie. We plan to sell Challah french toast. So, if you make yourself known, we can slip you a few slices. As for the bagels, it's going to take a month or so for a perfect bagel. The rollers will have to get used to the conditions of the a new environment. Temperature and humidity of the space play a huge roll in how the bagel turns out. They will nail it though. We did post on several sites that this would be a super soft opening and hope that everyone will be patient as we work out the kinks. Apologies for any inconveniences.

  13. I hope at night they double as a bar and serve artisanal cocktails...

    no really best of luck - cant wait to try them.

  14. We're planning to swing by tomorrow morning. What time can we expect you to open BagelGuy?

    Very excited to see you finally open!

  15. Looks legit. Store looks nice too. I've been trying to avoid wheat lately but I'll make an exception to try TSB.

  16. The bagels will be good in a month? Won't they be stale by then?

  17. you can get decent challah at B&H and at the stage. the 14th street y sells challah on thursdays that is pretty good.
    nothing will replace the stores that once lined east 14th street and lower second avenue, but it is great to see folks try for quality.

  18. i went by yestrday
    had a everything bagel hot out of the oven
    nothing on it
    the bagel was a 10 plus!!!!!
    i am a ex bagel baker
    thank you for coming to our neighborhood!!!!!!!

    rainer. susan. kim {east village since 1972

  19. "Jesus fucking christ people give them a chance to open and work out the kinks. seriously? no wonder so many chain stores are invading our space. Fucking rags."

    Once you start changing people the people have the right to complain. It's pretty simple.

  20. First, I swear by David's as best bagel to be had in NYC. But I'm sure there are haters. I stopped by Tompkins this morning...they can't toast just yet, but I got an everything bagel almost out of the oven. Totally impressed and definitely psyched!...I can see how they're still working out the perfect bagel, but lord they are super duper close and coffee is great. Also, helpful & nice staff. I love these guys as additions to the hood. I will definitely be working this place into my most loved spots. Cheers to Tompkins!

  21. Just had my very first bagel. AMAZING!!!!

  22. Just met the owner and crew today. The place is really nice and spacious and they have strawberry cream cheese. Super nice guys. Will post a photo tomorrow.

  23. Tried one this morning, best bagel I've had in a really long time!! Really impressed by the entire place, cannot believe they've been open for only a few days!!! Really great space, super nice people, amazing bagels and other great treats!

  24. kim, you were a bagel baker? from hasid to herbalist...what HAVEN'T you done in your checkered career? :)



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