Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And that's it for what used to be the Mars Bar

A look inside the demo site at 11-17 Second Ave. yesterday morning showed that just a crumbling section of the Mars Bar's north wall remained... workers were busy bringing down that portion ... By now, we're assuming that it is all gone...

And here are a few shots from Bobby Williams taken yesterday... 9 (71/2) Second Ave. is next for extinction...

Read Jeremiah's history of 9 (71/2) Second Ave. here.


  1. A lot of wonderful things have gone in NYC but Mars Bar hurts the most. So sad. Thanks for documenting, Bobby!

  2. I'm always going to feel sick when I walk by that corner.

  3. i think i can see my dignity peeking out from the bottom of the pile. i left it there one night...

  4. Had a 1st date @ Mars Bar. Next couple years went sorta like these pictures...trainwreck. Still gonna miss both.

  5. One of my memories is drinking at the bar late one evening and next to me a guy and his dog who was sitting on a seprate bar stool was drinking a beer at the bar. This was a long time ago...
    (true story)Only in New York.

  6. I didn't think it would bother me to see the building smashed once mars was closed because I had already mourned....but these pictures mad me relive missing Mars all over again. It's going to happen again I guess the first time I walk by the carnage....


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