Saturday, January 21, 2012

A few scenes from The Storm of the Saturday®

It's here — The Storm of the Saturday® ... the most devastating 2-3 inches of snow that we've had all day... Here's how things are looking .... so far...

And we were waiting for that one guy who always runs out for a quick errand in shorts in weather like this ...


  1. Yeah, you know there's only ONE guy in shorts. He's the same guy. When it snows, he puts on his shorts and drives to different parts of the city to run "quick errands"! Nobody knows WHO he is, or WHY he does this, or WHAT he does with all the milk/eggs/toilet paper he buys...

  2. And of course the shorts guy is sockless...a weather warrior!

  3. Gawd, gym shorts in winter guy pisses me off. Someone's always gotta be that guy. Shorts guy is a dick you see. Pretty sure he is a transplant and he's gonna show everyone how tough and breezily nonchalant he is. Pfft all you losers with your boots and puffy jackets, here comes gym shorts guy and he's not gonna let some freezing temperatures cramp his style, oh no. Ugh on second look, that is a Texas Longhorns logo isn't it? Fratty douchebag. Ugh that is so typical east village.

  4. Is he related to the guy who wears a wool cap when the tempertaure goes above 75 degrees ?

  5. @Barney Russell: I think the guy with the wool cap is either Michael Nesmith or Lady Gaga.

  6. @Marty: Not only did I get the get the Mike Nesmith reference,I remember when "The Monkees" were on in prime time.

  7. @Barney Russell: I watched them in prime time too! Was also a card carrying member of the Monkees fan club.

  8. Glad everyone made it through the Storm of the Saturday safely. There could have been some nasty slips on the sidewalk if one didn't walk carefully.

  9. I'm always amazed at the people who insist on wearing sneakers in the worst weather, but I temper my amusement with the sad knowledge that some of the people may only own one pair of shoes at a time. Maybe that guy in the shorts is poor and those are the only clothes he owns, and anxiously awaits summer so he can go outside normally again and not just make mad dashes across the street for milk and eggs.


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