Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Coen cars

RyanAvenueA sent along these shots from East Second Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue ... a few of the jalopies cars that the Coen Brothers will use in filming "Inside Llewyn Davis" today ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Coen Brothers want to dress up East Ninth Street


  1. There's a Plymouth just like the one in the second picture that's been parked around the neighborhood for years. Sometimes it's on my street. I wonder if this is the same one with different plates (the one I'm thinking of has PA plates).

  2. It's funny, but I see many of the same cars in use for different film sets around the city. That must be a good gig - driving your collectible car where ever the camera beckons.

  3. @James The car you're thinking of is a 52 Dodge Meadowbrook. Man, I love that car.

  4. They have dressed up quite a few windows on E. 9th Street. Just walked by.

  5. @Anonymous: You are absolutely correct. I'm British and sometimes confuse my American automobiles.

  6. Is this the car we're talking about?

    I've been wondering what it is.

  7. @Goggla: That's the one! I have quite few photos of it myself. It used to lurk under the large willow on 9th and C.


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