Thursday, February 16, 2012

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[A look inside Something Sweet, by Dave on 7th]

More details from Monday night's CB3/SLA meeting (Eater)

Keith Haring died 21 years ago today (Off the Grid)

On the roof of the Chelsea Hotel (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

The last days of CBGB (The Guardian UK)

Traffic problems persist after Lake Bowery subsides (BoweryBoogie)

A fire last night on Eldridge Street (The Lo-Down)

The Wayland on Avenue C gets the Thursday Styles section treatment, which explains the use of "plaid-clad downtown types." (The New York Times)

A 70-year-old Mayor Bloomberg looks good for his age (The Wall Street Journal)

And Steve Cuozzo bestowed one star upon the Bowery Diner in the Post yesterday. The diner recently opened in the ground-floor space of the Sunshine Hotel. "Yup, another retro-proletarian pastiche of pressed aluminum, white tile, formica and 1950s pastels on the former Skid Row."


  1. Real diners -- good food, affordable -- such as Joe Jr.s, Empire, Old Devil Moon, Cheyenne, and Moondance diner are now closed, yet fauxthenthic diners -- overpriced, bland or mediocre food -- such as Johnny Rockets, Big Daddy's, and now Bowery Diner, are open. People, I guess, would prefer to go to a themed park version of a diner, as opposed to an authentic one. Then again, EV has become a theme park.

    And on a related note (I think I may have mentioned this already), that the New York New York themed hotel in Las Vegas, is somehow more "real" and has more character than the NYC of today. Go figure.

  2. I hear that the Bowery Diner chef asked CB3 DM Stetzer what the Bowery needed, and she told the guy that it needs a diner. So, he gives the place a Diner name, but it's not a diner at all. She got scammed bigtime, CB3 members continue to have their reputations stained with what the EV has become, and the Bowery goes from one kind of loser to another. sad really.

  3. Moonstruck on the corner of 5th and 2nd ave can usually get the diner job done when the mood strikes. 24hr, decent food but not fancy.

  4. Oh noes! I don't own anything plaid!

  5. Bowery Dinner, is definitely not a classic diner. It's an attempt at an upscale quasi-diner experience.

    If Bowery Diner expects people to pay $12 for a grilled cheese, they better forget about the side of fries and start giving reach-arounds.

  6. @esquared,
    Man, your post makes me sad. I used to love the occasional excursion to Cheyenne. Funny how I thought that was the end of NY when the killed that place. (look how much more horror I've actually been able to take, and still keep breathing. Amazing)
    ...but your second paragraph seals the deal. This place is just so over .


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