Monday, February 6, 2012

Graffiti-free Verizon building lasts less than one week

Last Tuesday, evilnyc passed along photos of Graffiti Free NYC cleaning up the East 13th Street side of the Verizon building at Second Avenue...

evilnyc just sent this shot of that wall today...


  1. Success! The East Village lives. If a corporation wants to keep a desolate, large building graffiti-free (I'm also thinking of 5th & C), get somebody to paint a nice mural. I'm sure many people will do it for free.

    In the meantime, amateurs will do what they have always been doing best, and the soul of New York City will remain.

  2. It's so ridiculous. This happens almost every month if not more!

    I don't understand why Verizon won't keep it real and hire some graffiti artist to spray some cool Verizon-themed mural instead of this routine BS all the time.

  3. I'm charged monthly by Verizon for something called a Federal Universal Service Fund. Does graffiti-covering fall under this budget item?

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenFebruary 7, 2012 at 9:32 AM

    Geez, couldn't happen to a nicer telecom giant!

  5. I'm so sad they painted over my robot friend. :(

    And I totally agree about the mural. Other murals around the 'hood (like Chico's) aren't tagged, or if they are, they're at least well-maintained. That big, ugly, brown wall is just begging to be tagged.

  6. It is an ugly building, but this vandalism doesn't help.

    - East Villager

  7. Yup that's right either get a graffiti mural done or deal with the graffiti bombing! I like both. Better than a big blank wall. What a waste of time+money to try and stop something that can't be stopped. Graffiti is a part of the urban landscape and connected to the hip hop culture. Love it or hate it, it's never going to stop.


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