Friday, February 17, 2012

The stained-glass windows at St. Brigid's

Have you seen the newish stained-glass windows at St. Brigid's here on East Eighth Street at Avenue B?

Meanwhile, as you may have noticed outside St. Brigid's in recent weeks, there are a handful of union picketers...

Matt LES_Miserable spoke with the picketers last week ... and they claim that "the contractor is paying poor wages and using non-union labor." As The Villager points out this week, they are protesting against DanMar Electric, the subcontractor of record, doing all the electrical work on St. Brigid's — not this specific construction site.

Speaking of The Villager, Roland Legiardi-Laura files a lengthy piece on the good, the bad and the ugly of the 164-year-old church's renovation process. He also provides the history of how we got to this renovation phase.

Per the article:

So what do we have to look forward to after 164 years of striving? A really fine initiative that is probably a million dollars shy of becoming one of the best church restorations this city has ever seen: a living example of history, community and philanthropy combining to right a wrong that had been done to a neighborhood and a parish...


  1. That's the saddest protest ever! Couldn't they at least spring for some inflatable vermin?

  2. once they're done, will the southwest side of 8th street and east side of B in front of the church be parkable space again or reserved for the church? anyone know?


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