Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tonight at Rage and Boner

Outside Rag & Bone on East Houston and Elizabeth.

Via Billy Leroy.


  1. THIS is the problem with the east village - I'm sure there's some nimnul out there that will defend this as 'street art' but it's nothing more than VANDALSIM plain and simple!!!

    Just ignorit street brat children - it's disgusting.

  2. Yes, that is the problem with the EV, brat chlidren who shops at boutiques such as rage and bone

  3. Walked by that on Friday. Everybody was photographing it. I wonder if the owners have decided to leave it up for all the attention it is creating? Or if maybe it wasn't really done by some random defacer.

  4. Maybe it's a Jim Joe stunt? Let's wait and see if his web groupies issue a press release, not on his behalf of course!

  5. I think this is fantastic. Love to see more Boner.

  6. Its offensive, and should be repainted.

  7. The ragers and boners who shop there are offensive and should be relocated.

  8. I'd take boners over that store any day!

  9. I hear there's a new name for Houston St. between Broadway and Bowery - Times Square South. ugh!

  10. It wasn't done by "Jimjoe".


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