Thursday, February 9, 2012

WABC files report on East Village Farms, mentions local blogger

WABC Eyewitness News reporter Lisa Colagrossi has a report this morning on the probably doomed East Village Farms on Avenue A ... as well as a wider look at the ongoing demolition of so many buildings around here... we exchanged emails with her leading up to the report, and we thank her for including EV Grieve in the broadcast.

The piece is online ... and will be rebroadcast during the 4 p.m. newscast...

Previously on EV Grieve:
A little bit of Hollywood on Avenue A

East Village Farms is closing; renovations coming to 100 Avenue A

Inside the abandoned theater at East Village Farms on Avenue A

Reader reports: Village Farms closing Jan. 31; building will be demolished


  1. Very cool! Great to see mainstream media giving credit where credit is due: To EV Grieve!

  2. very cool mention!!!


  3. very nice to see you getting the cred you deserve--and they showed your pages! props to ABC 7 for doing the right thing by local bloggers.

  4. It's great not only to see WABC covering this story but also giving credit to you for all of your great coverage, EV Grieve. Keep up the good work!

  5. so glad to see this issue is getting some much needed coverage.

  6. How cool is THAT!


  7. Take that gothamshit and EV hyperloco blog.

  8. That building is an eye sore...Good riddance.

  9. Nice mention Grieve. I miss them already!!

  10. Anon 2:07 pm

    Why move into that neighborhood if you deem that building an eyesore. That building gave the neighborhood character, which you don't and will never have. You should've just stayed in bland Connecticut or the Midwest, where everything is, clean, white, and boring.

  11. OH OH, this could be a sadly momentous occasion.....the day we will ALL remember as the beginning of EVGrieve becoming EVGCOMMCORP...charging for access to the site...NEVER coming out of his 5th Ave. three story condo (WITH slide)....("oh, yeah,left the Village a LONG time ago")....and sues ANYONE trying to take a picture of his Million Dollah JagPorscheBenz. Sad day......sad day.

  12. @ Dr. Bop

    That's really up to my Board of Directors and agents. And Beverage Director.

  13. It's terrifying to think how the EV will change if that building is torn down and some glass-and-steel crap built in its place--it's really right in the heart of what remains of the EV.

  14. Congrats, EVG! Well deserved for sure.

    Wow, that was an excellent, elegant piece of NYC TV journalism. Who knew that was still possible on the local evening news??

  15. Awesome! So happy to see your blog mentioned! Absolutely fantastic. I hope they can save this space. It's so heartbreaking to see these places get steamrolled by developers.

  16. Thank you, Lisa Colagrossi

  17. Some words to consider from the incomparable Will Eisner. Preaching to the choir, no doubt, but he says it so elegantly that I thought it is worth sharing.

    "As I grew older and accumulated more memories, I came to feel more keenly about the disappearances of people and landmarks. Especially troubling to me was the callous removal of buildings. I felt that, somehow, they had a kind of soul.

    I know now that these structures, barnacled with laughter and stained by tears, are more than lifeless edifices. It cannot be that having been part of life, they did not somehow absorb the radiation from human interaction.

    And I wonder what is left when a building is torn down."


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