Thursday, March 8, 2012

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[Tompkins Square Park along Seventh Street by Bobby Williams]

An update on Cornell Edwards Way for East 13th Street (The Villager)

Bloomberg LP doesn't report on how much Mayor Bloomberg is worth. Per Ryan Chittum at The Columbia Journalism Review: "Is it just me, or is there something vaguely North Korean about this?"

Take part in the Curbed/Eater/Racked Bodega Week extravaganza (Curbed)

Looking at the recently restored Keith Haring mural "Once Upon a Time" (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Margaret Chin's thoughts on landmarking, preservation (BoweryBoogie)

LES gallery owner chases down, captures art thief (The Lo-Down)

Cops seize thousands of books during raids on Sixth Avenue sidewalk vendors (DNAinfo)

News release talk!: Lion Capital LLP to Acquire Majority Ownership Interest in John Varvatos Enterprises, Inc. (MarketWatch)

Here's New York magazine's Best-of issue (New York)

An Eighth Street and Fifth Avenue now and then (Flaming Pablum)

NYC history; The Peters of Peter's Field on Second Avenue (Ephemeral New York)

And from Tompkins Square Park yesterday...

Photos by Bobby Williams.


  1. It's Lana Del Rey and her pet, Lady Gaga!

  2. Why yes, hawks may on occasion eat rabbit but they're big and heavy so they'd go for mice and rats first. I'm glad about that because that rabbit is so cute!!

  3. he/she looks adorable :)

  4. Hawks have reportedly carried off cats (and small dogs) in NYC, so a rabbit's possible.

  5. Lisa, I know about that story and I can tell you it is ENTIRELY unlikely a hawk grabbed the cat. There were no witnesses so god knows what happened. There's no way a hawk could carry that cat or even try to. Especially with the plethora of rats, mice, squirrels, and pigeons in the area.

  6. I once saw a hawk fly off with a homeless person's grocery cart, so there is really no telling what they can accomplish.

  7. rabbits are the worst pets. all they do is kick you and scratch you ... and run away.


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