Friday, March 2, 2012

First sign of Schwimmer Manor

Workers at 331 E. Sixth St., site of David Schwimmer's future six-story home, are making noticeable progress now... Yesterday, the house made its first appearance above the plywood...

And more bricks were arriving this morning...

Anyway, moving forward, we should probably come up with a name for the house... a way to refer to it in future posts. Going with Schwimmer Manor at the moment. But that's a little meh. Anyone?


  1. Schwimming hole?

    At least until it goes up,anyway.

  2. I don't know, considering the horrific nature of what the mopey asshole did to the gorgeous house that was here, it's hard to be funny about it.

    How about just calling it 'the mopey asshole's crime scene, the little shit.'

    Probably not very catchy....

  3. How about David's Goliath monstrosity?

  4. David Schwimmer's best role was Captain Sobel in Band of Brothers. For anyone not familiar with the series, Captain Sobel was an incompetent asshole that no one liked. Schwimmer was born to play that role. :)

    So how about calling it the Sobel House?

  5. The Museum of Disastral History

  6. @ anon 10:44

    Ah, he was good in that... didn't he treat the men to a special spaghetti dinner then made them leave and go running?

    And good response so far!

  7. does he know that his house is being built from cinder blocks?


  8. The Gellar Cellar?
    Stately Lame Manor?
    Shitty Actors Rest Home?

  9. The Schmuck house.

  10. Schwimmerderer of Historic Home

  11. An expansion of commenter No. 1:

    The Old Schwimming Hole

    Scwimming Place

    Schwimmer Place

  12. Schwimminent Domain.
    Although I like Glamma's suggestion.


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