Monday, March 5, 2012

If red-tailed hawks could talk...

Today in Tompkins Square Park. By Bobby Williams.


  1. Does anyone know if he got away?

  2. What a great shot by Bobby! I love the way they're looking at each other!

  3. "whadayou lookin' at?"

  4. Bagel Guy...he got away. Its hard for hawk to catch him in situations like that. from what I have experienced they usually catch squirrels on the ground. Bobby.

  5. I haven't seen the hawk for a while. Nice to see him again. Nice one Bobby.

  6. what BW said - i have seen hawks chase a squirrel around a tree trunk. advantage, squirrel.

    thanks for all the great pics, BW!


  7. What the squirrel is saying:
    Yeeees, look at my bushy tail, see my nose twitch! Yes, yes, I am but a harmless squirrel, nothing to be concerned with!

    What the squirrel is thinking:
    You, Hawk, like your ground dwelling Hue-mon admirers will fail! Sit in your tree, so smug, you will all wail when we rise! Your children's children will be the soulless drones fueling the Glorious Empire!

  8. > evflip said...

    :-) funny! :-)

    what the hawk is thinking: 'what is the optimum position for the squirrel to be in so i can easily grab it?'.


  9. Great pic, Bobby!


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