Friday, March 9, 2012

Joe Strummer gets a fresh coat and shave

Last Friday, we noted that someone had added a few details to the Joe Strummer Mural on Seventh Street at Avenue A outside Niagara...

Anyway, all gone. Joe got touched up a bit yesterday afternoon as these photos by Bobby Williams show...

...and last night...



  1. Looking spiffy, Joe!

    1. Dr. Revolt, one of the creators of the mural with Zephyr, did the clean up. He hung out at Niagara and shared some stories during happy hour with Dan from D Generation, who was behind the bar, and us locals who were present.

  2. Nice to see Joe back in fine form! Great shots, Bobby!

  3. Brilliant! Thank you for the quick "restoration". I find this mural to be absolutely amazing - I'm a huge Strummer fan - incredible man he was (and his influence is still felt). Much appreciated.

  4. Starting to look a bit more like Andrew Eldritch than Joe Strummer. I miss the original design of this mural.

  5. The lips are weird..Lohan/Gaga lips.

  6. I pass by this almost every day, its nice to see Joe getting a facelift

  7. Excellent to hear it was cleaned up so quickly, thanks for keeping us informed.

  8. starting to look like Revolt.


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