Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jupiter and Venus over the Lower East Side

Venus and Jupiter have come together in what astronomers call a planetary conjunction. (I had no idea — I just cut and paste that from MSNBC.) Anyway, Shawn Chittle passed along this shot. Enjoy while you can.

Won't be able to see a Venus transit like this until 2117, which will coincide with the opening of the Second Avenue subway line.


  1. Beautiful shot! The color transition is magical.

    - East Villager

  2. How did I miss that arrow shaped planet? I must look up more frequently.

  3. ...which will coincide with my 250th birthday.

  4. And I thought a planetary conjunction was an STD, thanks for clearing that up! Amazing photo by Shawn!

  5. Great photos Sean!!!

  6. @Jill

    It was a shooting arrow. You can always spot one in a Spielberg movie!

  7. i am really surprised that anyone even looks up at the sky any more!

    with all the new buildings going up. the streets are becoming even deeper canyons.


  8. Gorgeous shot. And right on, predicted subway completion date. But I wonder about the rarity: seems to me I see a conjunction like that almost every month,very often with a crescent moon in the mix. Jupiter and Venus are always there, zipping round the Sun...stands to reason they'd get together more frequently.


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