Friday, March 16, 2012

Shades of gray

On Monday, we pointed out the new buildings that arose from the grave of 326-328 E. Fourth St. ... At the time, the building were gray. But! EV Grieve reader Steven notes that perhaps the gray was just a primer... or some kind of undercoating ... Workers yesterday were putting on a coat of white...

1 comment:

  1. I think its the other way around - they had left the bottom exposed brick while they worked from the top down, so the white is actually the primer directly on the brick. Then they painted the grey over it, so now its all grey. (I walk past this thing at least twice a day.) I think the grey is actually very attractive with the black accents. They've left the entrances alone for now, so I'm wondering what their plans are -- if they are trying to revive any of the original details.


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