Thursday, April 5, 2012

And now, the East Village via Google's augmented-reality glasses

Our friends at Wheeeeeeee! shared the video below... Nick Bilton at the Times has been writing about Google's sorta-secret augmented-reality glasses — Project Glass. Yesterday, Google shared its first venture into wearable computing in this video that shows the potential uses of the glasses... and the East Village has a starring role...

Please discuss.

Meanwhile, will someone please check on Jeremiah Moss?


  1. This is solving a "problem" nobody has. Google is wasting money and research on products that will never come to be. Read the website Daring Fireball - the type of companies that publish future concept videos. Google is now Microsoft.
    There should be a parody made of this that floods your field of view with advertisements. No one wants to see the world through google.

  2. Also, this is relevant:

  3. I feel kind of sick after watching that. I'm going to go take a Google-free shower now.

  4. This reminds me of the movie "They Live": "A drifter discovers a pair of sunglasses that allow him to wake up to the fact that aliens have taken over the Earth." Except in reverse -- I would be very very suspicious of anyone wearing these glasses.

  5. I cringed so hard I almost threw my back out. Couldn't get past the first minute. And of COURSE he wearing flip-flops.

  6. He uses the words "cool" and "dude" a lot which I guess is supposed to convey the image of a cutting edge guy who I need to emulate - not. Here's something that will make you want to poke out your mind's eye...remembering to turn off your glasses when you go in the bathroom!

  7. @argie - that was my first thought, too!

    I thought the guy might jump off the roof at the end...hope JM hasn't had a stroke.

  8. lost it so hard at the ukelele book.

  9. Wonder how those glasses will frame an incoming water balloon to this guy's face.

  10. Car Wreck. I can't believe I watched the entire thing. Three more hours until I can drink to forget. Fuck.

  11. More realistic take?

  12. The infantilization of the herd grows ever deeper.
    Pretty soon it will be a pair of contact lenses that tell you when to wake up, where to go, how to get there.
    Do you really need to know how many feet away your friend is ?

  13. This is awesome, a direct connection to the Surveillance Community! Now they can see everything I see too! And if you have nothing to hide, you won't mind wearing these either. Just consider the cops demanding access to your feed without warrants, telecom loves to provide this data because it results in large revenues.

  14. Cool. Cool. Cool. I never realized that Butt-head lived on the west side of First Avenue and 21th Street. At the end, he thinks he’s going to score. Cool.

  15. The takeaway...

    He's not grown up enough for a real bed.

    He sleeps in his flip-flops.

    Drinks an 1/8 of a cup of coffee.

    Girlfriend's name is Jessica. (The hell you say?!)

    Peter Cooper Village looks like a Russian prison.

    Egg McMuffin. Yup. Tastes the same as the ones in Nebraska.

    Hangs out with neutered males.

    So young and cutting edge, yet shops secondhand. Lifestyle conflict.

    Back to the Egg McMuffin.

    Oh snap! The subway is down! Time to walk off the 900 calorie breakfast.

    Huh. He doesn't know where the Strand is? Odd since he suggested it as a meeting place.

    Advertising SO speaks to him! Buy tickets for ... Mon-sey-nor-gay-no. The show is tonight, bet there's TONS of tickets available.

    He needs help locating the music section in the store he recomended. Can you tell he LIVES there?! SO authentic!

    Obvs he's planning a move to Brooklyn so he'll need to brush up on his Uke skillz yo. His mad Uke skillz.

    Where's the neutered male?

    There he is!

    Lunch from a truck! I hope M.I.A. is serving spliffs!

    WAIT!!! I need to stop and tell more advertisers where I am. I already scored big with ... Mon-sey-nor-gay-no tickets.

    No M.I.A.

    Where's the neutered male going? He just got here! This date sucks.

    Whoa! Street art! Old School 2001!

    Vomit photo online.

    What? It's 6:30 already? WTF??

    His date is with Jessica is phoned in???

    Sad. Sad. Sad.

  16. Also, being Easter, can someone please resurrect Bluto to rise up from the dead and smash that ukulele on his head? And this is the fucking thing on this vid that really annoys me. He walks 4-5 blocks west to take the 6 train at 23th street to go to Astor Place? He can’t just walk to there from his apartment, he needs Goggle to map it out for him from there because, boo hoo, the subway is broken. Oh, he’s one cool dude, this hipster. And by the way, where’s his four roommates?

  17. Yup, that's a concept video. A more realistic video would have focused on, oh, an Grindr app for Project Glass.

  18. The march of progress! The revolution is now! Soon you will not have to interact with another human being at all!

  19. just what we need. more people talking to themselves.

  20. This is the NEW New York City. It's to tame and nice of a place to see M.I.A.

  21. I like to pretend that his girlfriend "Jessica" is in prison. That is why he needs to show her the sunset. There is no explanation for the ukulele though.

  22. Anybody into a mass suicide party with Hemlock punch? I'll pay.

  23. @Victoria I bet she IS in prison. Or perhaps one of those large lovelies who eats on her web cam for pervs.

  24. I'm so glad that at least we still have the ability to just say no to this kind of crap. In science fiction movies, it was always kind of cool. In real life, as this shows, it's frightening.

    But if they ever come out with this, you know millions of whoo-hoos will go for it. Hey, beats livin'.

  25. Soon we'll witness augmented reality related accidents in society...

  26. God help us and save us from the soul-crushing misery this technology will unleash on the city. if i see a single schmuck wearing these zombie glasses in the Strand, of all places, i'll hit him over the head with the OED.

  27. Let us hope Darwinism kills off any early adopters of this technology.

  28. I can't believe this technology was skipped over by the military to create real life Terminators and by the police to create real life Robocops and instead it has gone straight to the Carpetbagging Non-New York New Yorkers living it up as Overgrown children who can't get over their college days.

    This is why this country is in decline.

  29. And here it is:
    Google glass with ads.

  30. That chick's name is really Jessica and she actually does work for Google. I know cuz i used to work with her. She's not as dumb as they're making her out to look in this video.


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