Saturday, April 7, 2012

Joe Strummer's nose job

Noticed this the other day on the Joe Strummer mural outside Niagara on Seventh Street and Avenue A...

Someone added a moustache and swastika last month...


  1. Pathetic wankers.... As is well known - Joe was anti-fascist so this is particularly offensive to a great man's tribute...

    Be nice to discover who is doing this bollocks :)

  2. nazi stuff is unacceptable..unless of course you are a nazi..hmm

  3. A shame SUMMERVILLE would be a great touch to TSP KNOW your rights Shame the yippies/ zippies are into cafe and lattes these days

  4. Don't Cabin Down Below and Niagara have security cameras? Wouldn't this vandalism be a hate crime? Obscene.

  5. I agree with Bayou about the camera surveillance..let's sii who did it??

  6. Wait, I thought everyone on here thought it was a great idea to deface property with grafitti, no? Or, is that only when the grafitti supports some rage against the machine?


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